Confirming an Auction

When participating in an auction for coordinates, it's important to know how to confirm your bid and acquire the coordinates you desire. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to do this using a smart contract tailored for this purpose.

How to Confirm on an Auction

Follow these steps to confirm an auction on coordinates that are currently in :

  1. Connect to

    • Ensure you are connected to using your Solana wallet extension.

  2. Browse Coordinates on Auction:

    • Explore the platform to find coordinates that you have bid for auction.

  3. Access Auction Tab:

    • Go to the auction tab, it will inform you if you are the highest bidder.

  4. Confirm Auction:

    • You can confirm the auction only if you've already placed a bid on the coordinates and you're the highest bidder. Additionally, the auction must have closed, meaning the auction end time has passed. At this point, press the Confirm Auction button.

Important Note:

  • If your bid is the highest and the auction is closed, confirming the auction will transfer your funds to the protocol for safekeeping.

  • If another bidder places a higher bid after the auction has closed, your funds will be refunded to your account.

  • In the event that the seller closes the auction or you decide to close it after it has ended, you will gain ownership of the coordinates, and the funds will be transferred from the protocol to the previous owner.

This process ensures a fair and secure auction experience for all participants, enabling you to bid with confidence.

Last updated