
The iCoordinates protocol leverages distinct Solana account structures to operate seamlessly within the blockchain ecosystem, providing crucial functionalities and interactions for users. Below is a detailed description of the key account structures along with their corresponding code snippets:

  1. MatrixInfo:

    • Contains essential details related to the coordinate matrix, such as range limits, base mint, and protocol fee information.

    pub struct MatrixInfo {
        pub authority: Pubkey,
        pub x_range_min: i64,
        pub x_range_max: i64,
        pub y_range_min: i64,
        pub y_range_max: i64,
        pub base_mint: Pubkey,
        pub sold_number: u64,
        pub current_product: f64,
        pub last_transaction_timestamp: i64,
        pub protocol_fee_withdrawal: u64,
        pub protocol_min_portion: f32,
        pub protocol_max_portion: f32,
        pub protocol_portion: f32,
        pub luckydraw_portion: f32,
        pub luckydraw_withdrawal: u64,
  2. LuckyDrawInfo:

    • Holds information about lucky draw events, including coordinates, timestamps, and reward details.

    pub struct LuckyDrawInfo {
        pub x: i64,
        pub y: i64,
        pub timestamp: i64,
        pub total_amount: u64,
        pub milestone: u64,
        pub lucky_draw_reward_taken: [bool; 9],
  3. Coordinates:

    • Represents essential information for a coordinate, including owner details, contact information, and state.

    pub struct Coordinates {
        pub owner: Pubkey,
        pub x: i64,
        pub y: i64,
        pub color: [u8; 4],
        pub email: String,
        pub website: String,
        pub slogan: String,
        pub init_timestamp: i64,
        pub state: CoordinatesState,
        pub country: Country,
  4. CoordinatesOnSale:

    • Contains details of coordinates available for sale, including coordinates and sale price.

    pub struct CoordinatesOnSale {
        pub x: i64,
        pub y: i64,
        pub price: u64,
  5. OfferForCoordinates:

    • Captures data related to offers made on coordinates by users, such as coordinates, offered price, and offerer information.

    pub struct OfferForCoordinates {
        pub x: i64,
        pub y: i64,
        pub price: u64,
        pub offerer: Pubkey,
  6. CoordinatesOnAuction:

    • Contains auction-related information for coordinates, including starting price, auction end time, last bid details, and bid count.

    pub struct CoordinatesOnAuction {
        pub x: i64,
        pub y: i64,
        pub starting_price: u64,
        pub auction_endtime: i64,
        pub last_price: u64,
        pub last_bidder: Pubkey,
        pub bid_times: u64,

These well-defined account structures serve as the backbone of the iCoordinates protocol, enabling smooth operation and interaction within the Solana blockchain ecosystem.

Last updated